Benefits of Certification


There are numerous Recovery Residences throughout Virginia. Many of the residences and their programs provide effective, safe, ethical, nurturing housing for their clients. Unfortunately, there are some programs in Virginia that are not. Certification from VARR ensures that operators demonstrate compliance to a rigorous set of standards, set forth by NARR and VARR. Adherence is determined through submitting an extensive application, annual onsite inspections conducted by trained VARR staff, participating in VARR sponsored training, and responding to all reported concerns and/or complaints.

Benefits to VARR Recovery Residence Operators

VARR is Virginia’s only nationally recognized accrediting body that develops and maintains a standards system to accredit recovery residences in Virginia.

Your organization will be listed on VARR’s website as a certified recovery residence operator, further increasing public visibility, and act as a referral source.

Participate in discussions on policy and related recommendations that affect Virginia’s recovery residences, peer support services, and related fields.

Opportunities to participate in exclusive training and conferences.

Opportunities to access state and federal funding.

Develop relationships and be part of a network of recovery residence operators with experience in the field.

VARR staff are accessible to provide technical support, guidance, and experience on a day to day basis.

Have an established third-party grievance procedure for residents.

All certified recovery residence operators are provided with an evidence-based assessment & recovery planning instrument.